Fresh, Local, Indie Food Rave; it’s “Civil Disobedience on a Paper Plate”

from carlah
via NYT

it’s an underground, night time food market that lets people get into eating and selling really good food, without the hastle of a permit. how? by becoming a “club” instead of a market. lucky for everyone, it’s free to join.

the article tackles many side of the idea; DIY meets locavores, underground movement, the realization that we need to make money to keep doing what we love to do, direct sales from chefs to consumers and growers to buyers, “cottage food” and culinary start ups.

full story here.

The underground market seeks to encourage food entrepreneurship by helping young vendors avoid roughly $1,000 a year in fees — including those for health permits and liability insurance — required by legitimate farmers markets. Here, where the food rave — call it a crave — was born, the market organizers sidestep city health inspections by operating as a private club, requiring that participants become “members” (free) and sign a disclaimer noting that food might not be prepared in a space that has been inspected.

fixers collective

out with the flu, but now i’m fixed

so on the subject of fixing, i just found out about the Fixer’s Collective today, in new york. you bring something, they fix it. why? because so many things that break aren’t really broken, are they? no, usually it’s just one tiny piece gone bad, but we throw the whole thing out anyways…

“Fixers’ Collective is a social experiment in improvisational fixing and mending.”
Check it out HERE, there’s a little video and everything!