digital film for your analog camera?

(read to the end, because this ain’t real)
it appears that all the digital gurus are starting to miss the using their 35mm cameras, but no one still wants to pay to process every couple dozen shots. have no fear! RE digital film cartridges will make using that old camera is now as easy as 1, 2, 3


this film will be released in the fall, and is the size of  standard 35m film. the site still has a few “coming soon” sections (such as sample images) so whether the photos will turn out more like digital images, more like film images, or some weird hybrid of both is yet to be determined. but by selling the RE-35 as “vintage” and “classic” they seem to be targeting both the older, long time analog users and the newer “we love anything vintage” (dare-i-say) hipster crowd.

depending on the cost, though, this could end up sitting on shelves like all those analogs apparently do, right next to your vcr and that digital photo-frame you got for christmas.

heaven forbid someone just learn to develop their own film ::gasp!:: … or maybe that’s a bit too nostalgic

p.s. don’t get thrown off by my april 5th post … this was just one big april fools prank product. gotcha?!

p.p.s. don’t you wish it actually existed though? i posted this with high hopes! (only now does the site have the disclaimer up)